Projects supporting Building and Maintenance

Donate to Help Build & Maintain Mission Property.

7 projects
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Solar Panels

Funds needed
Building and Maintenance

Facilitate Teaching and Learning

$100K for new technology
Building and Maintenance Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Enable interactive student and lecturer hybrid learning technology

Enhance the Student Learning Experience

$250 for new equipment
Building and Maintenance Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Support building projects that help students

Church Buildings Fund

General Funds Needed
Building and Maintenance

Help with the costs of buying, renovating, equipping or constructing buildings for church use.

Promote Community

$52K to replace ovens
Building and Maintenance

Donate to promote community-focussed time at SMBC

Gift of Love – Toilet Construction

Building and Maintenance Water & Sanitation

Your gift can provide many people with a healthier lifestyle.

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.