Chris and Sarah Griffioen

National Ministries Leader

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Operation Mobilisation Australia

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Worker Summary

Mission Office


Church Ministry, Evangelism & Discipleship

Long Term

Chris and Sarah Griffioen

Worker Details

Chris, Sarah and their two boys, Timothy & Joshua, have been part of OM since November 2011. For their first 4 years with OM, they served in Japan with the Nanao Bible church, returning to Melbourne in October 2015.

Chris now serves as National Ministries Leader, based in Victoria. He looks after the various OM Australia ministries. He also facilitates church partnerships, encourages people to pray and journeys with people who are interested in joining the OM team. Chris loves the Lord and has a real heart to see lives transformed by the gospel.

Using her gifts, Sarah enjoys writing letters, reading newsletters of our workers overseas and equipping people to pray for the work of OM around the world.

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