Jordon and Jess Eversen

Field Worker

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Operation Mobilisation Australia Ltd

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(03) 8820 3200

Worker Summary

Sex Workers Women Empowerment

The Philippines

Education & Training, Evangelism & Discipleship

Long Term

Jordon and Jess Eversen

Worker Details

We have been on an incredible journey the last couple of years which has led us to this point of serving overseas. Through that time we have developed a heart for the Philippines and for overseas missions. We have seen hopelessness and hope, we have seen brokenness and freedom. But a big part of what we have come to realise is the need for a long term commitment to journey with people through their circumstances into a God inspired life.

Partnering with Operation Mobilisation, we are moving to the Philippines to work with Wipe Every Tear. We will be part of offering freedom to women trapped in sexual slavery and poverty, loving them and journeying with them so that they can come to know their worth and to build a future through education for themselves and their families.

We are confident that God has led us here and has called us to this ministry. And we are excited to see where it leads.

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