Victor Santoso

IT Specialist

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Operation Mobilisation Australia

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(03) 8820 3200

Worker Summary

Mission Office


Information Technology

Long Term

Victor Santoso

Worker Details

From a young age, I had a desire to become a full time Minister. Yet, strangely it always seemed to elude me. Following God’s leading, I took up a degree in Computer Science and worked as an IT Professional.

I was happy to serve God in my professional circle, my family, and the various ministries entrusted to me. After all, God is glorified by our acts of faith, love, and obedience, regardless of where and what that might be.

Two years ago, surprisingly God opened the door for us to come to Australia. We did not know why, or for what purpose. But we knew that God wanted us to take that step of faith and obedience. So we came to Melbourne at the end of 2017.

One night I had a dream about OM’s founder, George Verwer, and thought that God wanted me to volunteer with OM. When I sat down and talked with the OM leadership team, it turned out, they were looking and praying for an IT person.

So here I am, still marvelled and awed by God’s sovereign and gracious plan.

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