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Australian Indigenous Ministries

Our God is able

Regions Served
  • Australia - Remote & Regional

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About AIM

AIM is a servant organisation whose vision is to:

  • plant the Gospel of God’s grace in remote as well as rural and urban centres
  • partner in ministry within Aboriginal communities and with Aboriginal believers
  • participate within churches with an Indigenous Australian demographic in cross-cultural co-operation.

As opportunity or need arises, holistic ministry programs in education, training, community development, relief or care may be supported to this end.


We are privileged to take part in the laying of a firm foundation for a sound Indigenous Church for God’s glory.


Full time AIM workers promote this end in several ways:

  • Teaching a clear redemptive Gospel centred upon Jesus Christ
  • Partnering in the equipping and support of Indigenous leaders as they serve their people
  • Encouraging the ‘gracious application of a practical Christianity’ in local churches
  • Promoting the development of good living skills, better health and education
  • Cultivating personal strategies to cope with life’s challenges and temptation
  • Emphasizing the believer’s uncondemned standing before God as the basis for mutual forgiveness and interpersonal reconciliation within family and community

AIM also places appropriately gifted TEAM Partners [Tentmakers Encouraging Aboriginal Ministry] to undertake paid secular work within cities, towns and Aboriginal communities with the mission of encouraging and supporting local Christian leaders and workers in their witness and worship.



AIM workers are dependant on the prayerful and financial support of the broader Christian community for the necessary resources to help them carry on their local ministries.


Support AIM

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