COVID-19 in Africa, AE's Response

In addition to our ongoing mission work, our national teams have developed tailor-made social action

African Enterprise Australia

African Enterprise Australia

Learn about: AE

See more: AE projects


Project Summary

Family Support Health Care Humanitarian Aid Poor

General Funds Needed


Tax Deductible

Updated 20-05-2020

Project image

Key Points

  • COVID Response
  • Facemasks and Food parcels to impoverished communities

Project Details

Before the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, ordinary life was already a struggle for millions across the continent of Africa. Although COVID-19 is yet to hit Africa in full force, inadequate health systems are expected to render nations defenseless against the virus. Meanwhile, these nations, which were already wrestling immense poverty, are now groaning under the economic impacts of attempts to curb the spread.

For the past 59 years, African Enterprise has been sharing the hope of Christ with the cities of Africa. In partnership with the local church, AE aims to reach every sphere of society with Christ’s love. Our team, based in 11 nations across the continent, is determined to demonstrate His love in the face of the current pandemic.

Believing that “the Gospel of Jesus Christ is needed now more than ever”, our team has developed a model of Home Based Evangelism which will continue despite current restrictions on public gatherings. The HBE strategy utilises television and radio broadcasts, along with home facilitators, to assist with follow-up of new believers.

In addition to our ongoing mission work, our national teams have developed tailor-made social action responses to the current crisis. These responses include basic food parcels for families who have lost their income due to government-sanctioned lockdowns, and the provision of hygiene and sanitation products to individuals at risk. Our teams are also providing community members with COVID education via pamphlets and radio broadcasts, and several of our vocational training centres have begun producing and distributing reusable face masks.

There remains much work to be done, however. This pandemic reminds us of our own mortality. May it also remind us to truly live, by laying down our lives for our neighbours, and for those who share our common humanity, across the globe

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