Home Based Evangelism

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is more needed than Ever Before

African Enterprise Australia

African Enterprise Australia

Learn about: AE

See more: AE projects


Project Summary

Church Planting and Growth Mission Office

General Funds Needed


Not Tax Deductible

Updated 02-06-2020

Project image

Key Points

  • Mission
  • Home Based Evangelism
  • Reaching Homes using Digital Space
  • Evangelise and Disciple the cities of Africa through Word and Deed
  • COVID-19 Response,

Project Details

Home Based Evangelism.

The year 2020 started with all our teams prayerfully preparing for their upcoming missions. As COVID-19 was spreading throughout the world, the African Enterprise Evangelistic Teams realised that a major shift needed to be made. We had to reconsider the way we have been running our missions and evangelism for the past 59 years. Home Based Evangelism came as an answer to our call.

Our International CEO Rev. Dr. Stephen Mbogo communicated in the midst of this crisis:

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is more needed than ever before. AE will not stop proclaiming the hope we have in Jesus Christ in Word and Deed. Rather, we are very committed to continue reaching homes using the digital space through a new model that we have developed known as Home Based Evangelism (HBE).”

In partnership with local churches, we will endeavor to continue with our main calling, to evangelise and disciple the cities of Africa in Word and Deed

Home Based Evangelism will be implemented through the following steps:

Pray – In preparation for HBE, AE Team leaders will be steadfast in prayer. Getting together a HBE prayer team, producing a bulletin for the HBE outreach and organising a 24/7 prayer chain.

Prepare – The mission field needs to be mapped and media platforms available needs to be identified. Engaging different partners and senior church leaders.

Engage – HBE home facilitators and homes will need to be identified and equipped to host HBE outreach. This step will also involve mobilizing support for the needy, training beneficiaries on sanitation and COVID-19 and sharing HBE promotion clips and flyers.

Broadcast – Our team leaders will be preparing and recording messages for HBE Outreach Day. The messages will then be shared with the HBE home facilitators. A live TV or radio broadcast will be recorded and then first shared with a small number of homes. If everything is in order, the message will be broadcasted on the specific HBE Outreach day.

Reach Homes – Homes need to be equipped for HBE Outreach. Teams and HBE facilitators will have fellowship with our invitees and identify the social needs in their homes so that AE can respond to their need. The AE team will also make connect with local churches.

Evangelise and Disciple – The AE team will be sharing an evangelistic message and then making an invitation to follow Jesus Christ. A decision card will be available to complete. New converts will be discipled by the sharing of follow up materials. The needy will be served through social action and the AE teams will ensure the new converts are connected to a local church where they can join small groups and fellowship.

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