Support a Student

Help us provide greater financial support for Australian students

Sydney Missionary and Bible College

Sydney Missionary and Bible College

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+61 2 9747 4780

Project Summary

Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

$300K per student


Tax Deductible

Updated 03-06-2024

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Project Details

Help us make College a possibility for students (from all over Australia) to come to SMBC. Your gift to our new tax deductible Australian Scholarship Foundation Limited will make it possible for people who come to SMBC to be shaped and formed by God’s word in order to make Christ known.

As a tax-deductible foundation, your gifts can be used even more effectively for supporting SMBC students in their foundational ministry and mission preparation. For example, you or your Bible study group could support a student you know throughout their study with applicable tax deductibility.

To Donate:

  • click the donate button to be transferred to the donor site for the 'SMBC Australian Scholarship Foundation Ltd' (Tax Deductible)

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