Cricket Project

Mukti Australia

Mukti Australia

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+(61 3) 9890 0211

Project Summary

Children and Youth Ministries Young Adults

Funds needed

Sri Lanka

Not Tax Deductible

Updated 10-02-2022

Project image

Project Details

Sri Lankan children in the Wings of Hope programme love cricket! They love to bowl, throw, catch, bat and run. This project not only aims to inspire children to stay active and healthy, but offers the opportunity to marginalised and disadvantaged children to learn new skills through play with the correct equipment in a safe manner. Families in this project struggle to put food on the table, let alone afford to purchase cricket gear, have lessons or join a club.

Firstly, we are collecting new and pre-loved cricket equipment, which Wings of Hope will distribute to the boys and girls participating in their projects in Colombo, and Hatton in the tea plantations. Ringwood District Cricket Association in Victoria currently partners with us and over the last two years they have collected preloved equipment from their various clubs. Once we receive the equipment it is shipped to Colombo. As a result we also need to raise funds to cover shipping costs.

The cricket equipment provided will help children learn new skills, offer the potential for them to play in a team, make new friendships and community relationships, and have a greater sense of hope, self worth and belonging.

Mukti Australia and Wings of Hope’s longer-term goal is to facilitate cricket lessons, coaching clinics, match play and engage the children in Sri Lankan Cricket Clubs. Becoming part of the community through sport may also open up other opportunities which could be beneficial to them and their families and facilitate them to break the poverty cycle.

We welcome new partners interested in donating equipment and shipping costs, and those who are interested in investing in a cricket sponsorship for the children who are keen to take their cricket to the club level. Sponsorship fees on request.

You never know where the next budding Sri Lankan cricketer will come from.
YOU could play a part in finding them and changing their lives!

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