Projects supporting Building and Maintenance

Donate to Help Build & Maintain Mission Property.

7 projects
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Solar Panels

Funds needed
Building and Maintenance

Gift of Love – Toilet Construction

Building and Maintenance Water & Sanitation

Your gift can provide many people with a healthier lifestyle.

Church Buildings Fund

General Funds Needed
Building and Maintenance

Help with the costs of buying, renovating, equipping or constructing buildings for church use.

Facilitate Teaching and Learning

$100K for new technology
Building and Maintenance Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Enable interactive student and lecturer hybrid learning technology

Enhance the Student Learning Experience

$250 for new equipment
Building and Maintenance Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Support building projects that help students

Promote Community

$52K to replace ovens
Building and Maintenance

Donate to promote community-focussed time at SMBC

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.