Projects supporting Worker Support

Donate to Worker Support project.

19 projects
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Pastoral Support

General Funds Needed
Worker Support

F/T Christian ministry is difficult when local churches can't afford to support their own pastors.

Need of Computers and Laptops for the Ministry of Indian Evangelical Mission.

Worker Support

Increase the effectiveness of missionaries and admin staff

Fill a drum of fuel

$500 per fuel drum
Worker Support

Your drum will provide around ten flights in a country like PNG

Support a Pastor

A$100 per/mth/pastor
Church Planting and Growth Worker Support

Motor bikes for Indian Missionaries

$1,735 per bike
Unreached people groups Worker Support

Can you buy a motor bike to help the effectiveness of our missionaries? (8 needed)

Supporting PNG Ministry Leaders

$31,460 Annual
Developing Christian Leaders Worker Support

Support the development and equipping of local pastors and leaders in PNG

Equipping Local Leaders

$5,365 Funds Needed
Developing Christian Leaders Worker Support

Support more PNG pastors to attend leadership training courses

Fill a jerrycan of fuel

$50 per jerrycan
Worker Support

It’s hard to imagine that a little jerrycan – filled with fuel – has the power to save a life.

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.