Martin Chan and Deborah Kim


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Operation Mobilisation Australia

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(03) 8820 3200

Worker Summary

Health Care


Business as Mission, Community Development, Evangelism & Discipleship

Long Term

Martin Chan and Deborah Kim

Worker Details

Deborah and Martin used to work as Optometrist and IT Software Developer in Sydney for 16 years respectively before becoming missionaries to Cambodia in 2013 to serve in an orphanage.

In 2019, they opened an Optometry practice near the capital city in Cambodia, focusing on Business As Mission (B.A.M.) for discipling their local Christian staff and evangelising to customers that visit the shop.

They also partner with local house churches to conduct monthly eye care outreach in order to provide opportunities for the house churches to evangelise to their non-believing neighbours. They had joined OM in 2021 and they are praying for a doctor and a dentist to join their ministry.

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