Monica Parker

Maternal Health Coordinator

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SUSTAIN Projects Myanmar Ltd

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+61 0423721153

Worker Summary

Health Care


Health Care

Long Term

Monica Parker

Key Points

  • Nurse/Midwife

Worker Details

Monica Parker is from New South Wales and is a registered nurse and midwife. In 2009, she began working with Partners Relief & Development (now Sustain) in the jungles of Karen State, Myanmar as a Maternal Health Coordinator. It is Monica’s dream to train a strong core of professional midwives to serve the Karen people in the remote areas of the state. She also wants to help set professional standards in maternal health care. This includes identification and appropriate management of high-risk pregnancy and birth.

Mon is based in Kayaukkyi, Myanmar. She is married to Saw Eh Hsu and, they have two precious twin boys.

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