Elderly Support

Elderly Support

Donate to support elderly people requiring aged care

The need for elderly support is growing with increased life-expectancies throughout the world.  There has probably never been a higher proportion of elderly people in the world than now.

Often in developing countries the governments are unable to provide elderly support through pensions and suitable health care.   This can leave the elderly in a vunerable position where they need to rely on family who themselves may be struggling.    

The elderly support projects on this website mostly relate to caring for people in developing countries.

Projects supporting the elderly include:

Aged Care for Leprosy Patients
Aged Care for Leprosy Patients
Provide elderly disabled leprosy patients with quality, holistic residential care support in Thailan
COVID-19 Relief - Sri Lanka
COVID-19 Relief - Sri Lanka
Covid-19 pandemic continues to bring unprecedented challenges
The McKean Elderly Leprosy Residential Care Project
The McKean Elderly Leprosy Residential Care Project
Provide elderly disabled leprosy patients with quality, holistic residential care support in Thailan

Encourage your friends to support the elderly