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Help A Child Australia

Transforming children's lives

Regions Served
  • Asia - South
  • Missions Interlink
  • Non-Tax Deductible Projects

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About Help A Child

Help A Child Foundation is a Christian fundraising and child sponsorship organisation. We exist only for the sake of children, which makes us unique, and means we can put children’s best interests at the heart of everything we do. Our focus is also unique. We are unapologetically committed to giving children in the world’s poorest countries both the chance of a better life, and knowledge of Jesus. Inspired by the words of Jesus in Matthew 25, Mark 12 and Luke 25, we seek out and serve “the least of these.” Last year Help a Child was able to reach over 60,000 children across Africa and Asia, irrespective of background, caste, colour, gender or creed. To do this work, we rely entirely on the generousity of child sponsors and donors. Together we are transforming children’s lives in His name. Help a Child commenced in Australia in the mid 1980’s. It grew out of an organisation in the Netherlands called ‘Red Een Kind’ (REK), literally translated as Help a Child, which has been operating since 1968.

Help A Child projects include:

Help A Child projects
Help vulnerable children learn during the corona virus pandemic
Donate a tablet for their remote learning
Help A Child projects
Sponsor a Child | Help a Child
Transform a child's life

Support Help A Child

Ways to support include:

Financially Support Visit Website

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