Computer Equipment and Upgrades.

Replace aging computer equipment and do upgrades.

Global Recordings Network (Australia)

Global Recordings Network (Australia)

Learn about: GRN

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02 9899 2211

Project Summary

Mission Office

General Funds Needed


Not Tax Deductible

Updated 23-10-2020

Project image

Key Points

  • Computer systems
  • Recordings
  • Audio visuals
  • Storage
  • Essential equipment

Project Details

We have every hope that many thousands of people hear God's word in a language they understand well and pray for God's work in their hearts and minds to bring them to faith as GRN recordings are played and audio-visuals watched.

Our hope is based on the 72,633 hours of audio gospel messages were downloaded from GRN computer systems in 5,563 different languages and dialects. Romans 10:17 assures us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

And so computer systems are vital to the ministry of GRN. The recording process requires computers, processing the new recordings and putting them into an accessible form requires computers, and distributing the finished product requires computers.

Funding Progress

Project Cost = $45,000 (100%)
Donated as at 22-10-2020 = $10,957 (24.34966666666666666666666667%)
Needed to Finish Project* = $34,043 (75.65033333333333333333333333%)

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