Water Projects Fund

Help persecuted Christians gain access to the most basic physical need - safe water

Barnabas Fund (Australia) Limited

Barnabas Fund (Australia) Limited

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08 8117 8079

Project Summary

Water & Sanitation

General Funds Needed

Where needed

Not Tax Deductible

Updated 24-05-2020

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Project Details

The most basic physical need is surely clean, safe water. Those who persecute Christians know this and sometimes use it against them. Nearly a hundred converts from Islam to Christianity in a village in Uzbekistan were refused access to drinking water. 

Twenty-two Vietnamese Christian families were forced to leave their village and settle in another area where there was no source of clean water. In Sri Lanka a pastor and his family were attacked by an angry mob and the well where they got their drinking water from was deliberately contaminated, causing children who drank it to fall ill.

A number of Barnabas Fund projects help to provide drinking water for Christian communities in situations of discrimination or persecution. Examples include 160 water filter systems in Pakistan at a cost of A$13 each, 80 wells in Sri Lanka costing A$108 each, and a grant of A$61,656 to provide clean running water and sanitation for five Christian villages in an Arab country.

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