Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship

Sponsor a child with a Christian organisation

The Need

Many children still live in poverty (estimates exceed 1 billion).  The results of child poverty include –  the side effects of poor nutrition; dangerous home environments, the inability to attend school, and children dying from treatable medical conditions, or poor water and sanitation.

The Response

Child sponsorship can provide many benefits to a child and their family and community. Benefits can include:

  • Raised education standard (which in turn helps future employment)
  • Medical care, improved diet and sanitation
  • A safe place to live
  • A Christian education.
  • A good start.

Givehigher provides a number of child sponsorship options with Christian organisations (with offices in Australia).

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
—Proverbs 22v6

Child sponsorship options include:

Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a Child - Bridge of Hope is bringing hope to children, transforming communities

Christian workers supporting child sponsorship include:

Linda Gouldsmith photo
Linda Gouldsmith
Chief Executive Officer

Child Sponsorship Articles

Comparison of Christian Child Sponsorship Programs image
Comparison of Christian Child Sponsorship Programs
There are many Christian child sponsorship programs for Australians to choose from. This article provides a high-level comparison of such programs (offered by members/associates of Missions Interlink ...
Child Sponsorship - a rough overview image
Child Sponsorship - a rough overview
Child sponsorship is the dominate fundraising method for helping children in poverty. This article provides an overview on child sponsorship, and some of the support options available.

Encourage your friends to sponsor a child