Church Planting Christian workers

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7 workers
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Hey Family

Emeritus Mentor
Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders

Rachel Borneman Australia

Rachel Borneman

Scripture Engagement
Children and Youth Ministries Christian Resources Indigenous Australian Ministries

James & Carolynn Webb Spain

James & Carolynn Webb

Children and Youth Ministries Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders Innovative Outreach

Financial Support Needed

Eugene & Fiona Gebert Japan

Eugene & Fiona Gebert

Senior Pastors of Waku Waku Life Church, Outreach
Church Planting and Growth Unreached people groups

Financial Support Needed

Robbie Housen Mozambique

Robbie Housen

Founder of Hope College, training church planters
Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders

Financial Support Needed

Richard & Pinuccia Wilson Italy

Financial Support Needed

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.

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