Projects supporting Middle East

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7 projects
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Love Heals

From $40
Disability Support Family Support Health Care Livelihoods (Job Creation)

Healthcare for people in remote or poor communities.

Love Risks

Christian Resources Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders Persecuted Christians

Equipping followers of Jesus to live out their faith

Love Respects

Children and Youth Ministries Family Support Health Care Humanitarian Aid Livelihoods (Job Creation) Sex Workers Women Empowerment

Women and men overcoming abuse, and communities building peace.

Love Dignifies

Refugee Support

Walking with Refugees and asylum seekers

Love Restores

Family Support Health Care Livelihoods (Job Creation) Poor Water & Sanitation Women Empowerment Worker Support

Taking Action for a healthy environment

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.

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