Projects supporting Anywhere

Donate to reach people in Anywhere

34 projects
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Victims of Violence Fund

General Funds Needed
Persecuted Christians

Helps those who have been singled out and victimised because of their Christian faith

Convert Fund

General Funds Needed
Persecuted Christians

Provide practical help to converts who are being persecuted

Sponsor a Child | Compassion

$48 Monthly
Child Sponsorship

Every child is special, uniquely made by God.

Disaster Relief Fund

General Funds Needed
Humanitarian Aid

Help get aid to persecuted Christians

Evangelist Support Fund

General Funds Needed
Worker Support

Support national evangelists and church-planters ministering to other faiths.

Intercultural Ministry Training (Didasko Academy)

General Funds Needed
Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders

Your donation will allow Didasko Academy to create more free courses.

Small Business Start-Up Fund

General Funds Needed
Livelihoods (Job Creation)

Provide training and/or start-up costs to enable persecuted Christians to support themselves

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.

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